DriveMaster Electronic Propulsion System
Electric Propulsion System. Permanent magnet motors for installation on shaft lines; available with air or liquid cooling. Maximum efficiency, silent and compact solution. Available from 2 to 130kW. Motor (rpm) 3000.
1 - All motors are Permanent Magnets AC, high efficiency, IP65
2 - Intermittent kW: S3 10% – 10’ (1 minute at intermittent power then reduced for 9 minutes power to return to stable temperature)
3 - Battery: 48V, 96V and 144V can be of any chemistry and brand; 288V and 384V need to be Transfluid’s battery.
• Cruising speed: 70% of rated motor rpm
• Light Duty: air-cooled motor, up to 200 hours/year, intermittent kW allowed
• Medium Duty: air-cooled motor, up to 500 hours/year, only nominal kW allowed
• Medium Duty: liquid-cooled motor, up to 1000 hours/year, intermittent kW allowed
• Heavy Duty: liquid-cooled motor, up to 3000 hours per year, intermittent kW allowed, max 80% of time at rated rpm and load
5 - Separate thrust bearing is recommended above 20 kW