Kicking Off the Festivities with Our Engineering All-Stars! ??
Hold on to your Santa hats because it’s time to spotlight the rockstars of MIT – our incredible engineers! Whether tweaking transmissions on cement trucks, mastering ARFF vehicles, overhauling big ship propulsion systems or playing gearbox whisperers, they’re the unsung heroes making it all happen. We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone at MIT and our extended driveline family, including our partners, sister companies and, of course, our customers. You have all helped make 2023 a fantastic year!
Christmas dates for your diary
The team will be in the office until Thursday, 21st December, with our last shipment date being Monday, 18th December. After this, all orders will be processed upon our return on Tuesday 2nd January.
If you need emergency assistance during the Christmas break, our engineers will be on hand. Simply call us at our main number, 0330 383033, and a member of our team will coordinate your support.
Once again, we would like to thank you all and wish you a restful Christmas break. See you in 2024!