Dry docking services
When it comes to technical services, it can be difficult to find the people, expertise and time to ensure your vessels are fully optimised.
At MIT, that’s exactly what we specialise in. We can provide fully detailed assessments of your ship’s drivetrain and propulsion equipment, project manage your dry dock, and create preventative maintenance solutions.
Who can we assist?
Our expert team is here to assist fleet operators, ship managers, and dry dock operators with a range of services. We specialise in maintenance, repairs, and overhauls for various main propulsion equipment, including thrusters, propellers, stern tubes, controls, gearboxes, and variable-speed drives.
But we don’t just offer technical expertise. We can provide comprehensive project management support to ensure that all repair work adheres to OEM approved standards. Regardless of the make or model of your system, our in-depth knowledge and engineering prowess guarantee your satisfaction and the optimal performance of your equipment.
Service Partnerships
For 50 years, we have been leading the way in the marine industry. Our services include top-notch maintenance, repair, and overhaul services. Our commitment to excellence has resulted in long-term partnerships with renowned drivetrain product manufacturers like Reintjes, Twin Disc, Servogear, ZF, and Danfoss Drives. What sets us apart is our team of factory-trained professionals who adhere to the highest industry standards. They possess the skills and capabilities required to work on any make or model of drivetrain or propulsion system, ensuring your business stays operational and thriving. Whether it’s Wartsila thruster, a Nico gearbox or any other system, trust in our expertise to keep your operations running smoothly.

Service packages for complete lifecycle support
We understand that drivetrains can be a bit complicated. That’s why we created MyDriveTrain, a range of service support products that cater to the unique needs of all our customers and equipment. Our support packages cover everything from design and start-up to life extension, so you can count on our expert help throughout your drivetrain’s lifecycle. Our goal is to keep your equipment running smoothly and to keep you moving forward.
Success stories
Brands we can support
Twin Disc